Kata-Kata Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru Imlek Lengkap Bahasa Mandarin dan Inggris

Tahun Baru Imlek akan jatuh pada sabtu tanggal 25 januari nanti, dan tahun 2020 adalah tahun Tikus dengan unsur Logam. Nah tidak ada salahnya untuk mengucapkan selamat tahun baru kepada teman-teman chinese sebagai tanda bahwa kita menghormati mereka. Tahun Baru Cina didasarkan pada kalender lunar dan dimulai pada bulan baru yang muncul antara 21 Januari dan 20 Februari.

Perayaan dimulai pada Malam Tahun Baru dan berlangsung selama sekitar 15 hari. Karena kalender lunar dan kalender matahari memiliki panjang yang berbeda setiap beberapa tahun, satu bulan tambahan ditambahkan ke dalam kalender lunar, dan itu juga mengapa Tahun Baru Cina jatuh pada hari yang berbeda pada setiap tahunnya.

ucapan selamat imlek

Budaya Tiongkok memiliki kepercayaan bahwa kita harus saling menyapa dengan ungkapan yang baik dan beruntung selama Tahun Baru. Untuk mendapatkan ampaup / amplop merah, anak-anak diajarkan untuk tunduk pada orang tua, kerabat, dan orang tua mereka, serta mengucapkan banyak salam tahun baru yang berbeda.

Salam paling umum adalah 新年 快樂, frasa ini langsung diterjemahkan menjadi “Selamat Tahun Baru”. Salam umum lainnya adalah 恭喜 發財 “, artinya” Semoga Anda makmur dan makmur.

Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru Imlek Bahasa Mandarin dan Inggris

恭賀新禧 恭贺新禧 gōng hè xīn xǐ Congrats for
a new year
新年快樂 新年快乐 xīn nián kuài lè Happy New Year
新年進步 新年进步 xīn nián jìn bù May the New
Year bring much
better things
春節快樂 春节快乐 chūn jié kuài lè Happy Spring
迎春接福 迎春接福 yíng chūn jiē fú Welcome the spring
with blessings
春回大地 春回大地 chūn húi dà dì Spring return
to the earth
新春如意 新春如意 xīn chūn rú yì Everything goes
fine in the new
新春愉快 新春愉快 xīn chūn yú kuài May your new year
be happy
新春吉祥 新春吉祥 xīn chūn jí xiáng May you have a
new year filled
with luck
春來福到 春来福到 chūn lái fú dào When spring comes,
blessings will follow
新年行大運 新年行大运 xīn nián xíng dà yùn New year brings luck
一元復始 一元复始 yī yuán fù shǐ Happy New Year

Ucapan Sehat Selalu Imlek
Greetings, Wishes, Blessings

ucapan selamat tahun baru china

身體健康 身体健康 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng Wish you good
龍馬精神 龙马精神 lóng mǎ jīng shén Wish you the
energy of dragons
and horses
身壯力健 身壮力健 shēn zhuàng lì jiàn Wish you good
福壽安康 福寿安康 fú shòu ān kāng Wish you longevity
and health
壽比南山 寿比南山 shòu bǐ nán shān May you live a
long and happy
健康快樂 健康快乐 jiàn kāng kuài lè Healthy and happy
龍精虎猛 龙精虎猛 lóng jīng hǔ měng Wish you are as
healthy as dragons
and tigers
虎虎生威 虎虎生威 hǔ hǔ shēng wēi Wish you are as
healthy as tigers
虎步龍行 虎步龙行 hǔ bù lóng xíng Wish you are as
healthy as tigers
and walks like
福壽雙全 福寿双全 fú shòu shuāng quán May you have
both blessing and
long life

Ucapan Selalu Beruntung
Chinese New Year
Greetings, Wishes, Blessings

恭喜發財 恭喜发财 gōng xǐ fā cái Wish you wealth
and prosperity
財源廣進 财源广进 cái yuán guǎng jìn May wealth flow in
招財進寶 招财进宝 zhāo cái jìn bǎo Treasures fill the
年年有餘 年年有馀 nián nián yǒu yú May you have
every year
財運亨通 财运亨通 cái yùn hēng tōng May both wealth
and luck follow you
財源滾滾 財源滾滾 cái yuán gǔn gǔn May wealth come
pouring in
一路發財 一路发财 yī lù fā cái May your wealth keep
coming throughout
the year
大發利是 大发利是 dà fā lì shì Wish you wealth
and prosperity
日日見財 日日见财 rì rì jiàn cái Money comes to
you everyday
花開富貴 花开富贵 huā kāi fù gùi When flowers open
and you will be wealthy
富貴有餘 富贵有馀 fù gùi yǒu yú May you have
發財好市 发财好市 fā cái hǎo shì Wish you wealth
and prosperity
豬籠入水 猪笼入水 zhū long rù shǔi Wishing you wealth
(Water filling the
pig pen)
橫財就手 横财就手 héng cái jìu shǒu Money is easier to
盤滿砵滿 盘满砵满 pán mǎn bō mǎn May your plates and
bowls are full of

Chinese New Year
Greetings, Wishes, Blessings

青春常駐 青春常驻 qīng chūn cháng zhù Stay young and
愈來愈靚 愈来愈靓 yù lái yù liàng Get prettier and
青春永駐 青春永驻 qīng chūn yǒng zhù Forever young and

Chinese New Year
Greetings, Wishes, Blessings

生意興隆 生意兴隆 shēng yì xīng lóng May your business
升官發財 升官发财 shēng guān fā cái May you get promoted
and receive a raise
一本萬利 一本万利 yī běn wàn lì Hope you put in a
small investment
and reap a huge profit
工作顺利 工作顺利 gōng zùo shùn lì May your work
go smooth
大展鴻圖 大展鸿图 dà zhǎn hóng tú Wishing you success
at work
平步青云 平步青云 píng bù qīng yún May your work go
smooth and stable
步步高升 步步高升 bù bù gāo sheng May every step take
you higher
客似雲來 客似云来 kè sì yún lái May the customers
keep coming
飛黃騰達 飞黄腾达 fēi huáng téng dá May you get promoted
and receive a raise
貨如輪轉 货如轮转) hùo rú lún zhuàn Fast turnover of
your inventory

Smooth in Life
Chinese New Year
Greetings, Wishes, Blessings

萬事如意 万事如意 wàn shì rú yì May everything
go well with you
必定如意 必定如意 bì dìng rú yì May everything
go well with you
五福臨門 五福临门 wǔ fú lín mén May the five blessings
come to you
(Longevity, wealth,
health, virtue, and
a natural death.)
一帆風顺 一帆风順 yī fān fēng shùn May everything
go smoothly
夢想成真 梦想成真 mèng xiǎng chéng zhēn May your dreams
come true
事事順利 事事順利 shì shì shùn lì May everything
go smoothly
風調雨順 风调雨顺 fēng diào tiáo yǔ shùn May everything
go smoothly
心想事成 心想事成 xīn xiǎng shì chéng May all your wishes
come true

Success in Life
Chinese New Year
Greetings, Wishes, Blessings

馬到成功 马到成功 mǎ dào chéng gōng May you have
蒸蒸日上 蒸蒸日上 zhēng zhēng rì shàng Wishing you more
國泰民安 国泰民安 gúo tài mín ān Peace and harmony
among your country
and people
十全十美 十全十美 shí quán shí měi May everything
be perfect
旗開得勝 旗开得胜 qí kāi dé shèng May you have success
逢賭必勝 逢赌必胜 féng dǔ bì shèng May you win in
every gambling games
( Don’t gamble though,
it’s a waste of money)

Peace in Life
Chinese New Year
Greetings, Wishes, Blessings

竹報平安 竹报平安 zhú bào píng ān May you have peace
and safety
四季平安 四季平安 sì jì píng ān Wish you four
seasons of peace
歲歲平安 岁岁平安 sùi sùi píng ān May you have peace
at every age
百無禁忌 百无禁忌 bǎi wú jìn jì Nothing bad will
affect you

Fortune & Luck
Chinese New Year
Greetings, Wishes, Blessings

如意吉祥 如意吉祥 rú yì jí xiáng May everything go
smooth and you
have good luck
大吉大利 大吉大利 dà jí dà lì May you have great
luck and great profit
吉星高照 吉星高照 jí xīng gāo zhào May you come into
good fortune!
萬事大吉 万事大吉 wàn shì dà jí Everything will
be lucky and go smoothly
來年好運 来年好运 lái nián hǎo yùn May you have good
luck in the new year
開春大吉 开春大吉 kāi chūn dà jí May the new year
bring luck to you
福到眼前 福到眼前 fú dào yǎn qián May all the blessings
come before you
開市大吉 开市大吉 kāi shì dà jí Buy Stocks and
get lucky
七星報喜 七星报喜 qī xīng bào xǐ All seven Stars come
and bring you good news
運轉乾坤 运转乾坤 yùn zhuàn qián kūn May you change
things from bad to

Chinese New Year
Greetings, Wishes, Blessings

天賜良緣 天赐良缘 tiān cì liáng yuán May heaven gift you
a good relationship
情場得意 情场得意 qíng chǎng dé yì May you be happy
in your relationship
處處逢緣 处处逢缘 chǔ chǔ féng yuán May you meet new
friends where ever
you go
雙雙對對 双双对对 shuāng shuāng dùi dùi Always have love
in your relationship
長長久久 长长久久 cháng cháng jǐu jǐu May your relationship
last forever
春風得意 春风得意 chūn fēng dé yì May you have a
good relationship
春風滿面 春风满面 chūn fēng mǎn miàn May you be happy
in your relationship
蜜運成功 蜜运成功 mì yùn chéng gōng May you be successful
in your relationship
紅鸞星動 红鸾星动 hóng luán xīng dòng May you get married
百年好合 百年好合 bǎi nián hǎo hé May your relationship
last forever
佳偶天成 佳偶天成 jiā ǒu tiān chéng May you both have
a great relationship
雙喜臨門 双喜临门 shuāng xǐ lín mén May two blessings
come to your door

Education / Career
Chinese New Year
Greetings, Wishes, Blessings

前程似錦 前程似锦 qián chéng sì jǐn May you have a
bright future
學業進步 学业进步 xué yè jìn bù May your studies
學業有成 学业有成 xué yè yǒu chéng Have achievements
in your studies
金榜題名 金榜题名 jīn bǎng tí míng May you have success
in your exams
鵬程萬裡 鹏程万里 péng chéng wàn lǐ May you have a
bright future
鴻圖大展 鸿图大展 hóng tú dà zhǎn Have opportunities
to shine
學業猛進 学业猛进 xué yè měng jìn May your studies
improve rapidly

To Kids
Chinese New Year
Greetings, Wishes, Blessings

冰雪聰明 冰雪聪明 bīng xuě cōng míng As smart as ice
and snow
快高長大 快高长大 kuài gāo zhǎng dà Grow tall and big
聰明伶俐 聪明伶俐 cōng míng líng lì Clever
聽教聽話 听教听话 tīng jiào tīng huà Listen and be
精靈活潑 精灵活泼 jīng líng húo pō Smart and healthy
健康成長 健康成长 jiàn kāng chéng zhǎng Be healthy

Home / Property
Chinese New Year
Greetings, Wishes, Blessings

金玉滿堂 金玉满堂 jīn yù mǎn táng May your gold and
jade fill the halls
出入平安 出入平安 chū rù píng ān May you have safety
when you enter and exit
家肥屋潤 家肥屋润 jiā féi wū rùn May your home
grow rich and happy
平平安安 平平安安 píng píng ān ān Peace
金銀滿屋 金银满屋 jīn yín mǎn wū May all the gold and
sliver enter your home
家宅安寧 家宅安宁 jiā zhái ān níng May your home be
quiet and peaceful

Chinese New Year
Greetings, Wishes, Blessings

和气生财 和氣生財 hé qì shēng cái May harmony bring
家庭幸福 家庭幸福 jiā tíng xìng fú May your family
stay sweet
家庭美滿 家庭美满 jiā tíng měi mǎn Bless your family
一家團聚 一家团聚 yī jiā tuán jù May your family be
老少平安 老少平安 lǎo shǎo píng ān May your elderly and
children be safe
三年抱兩 三年抱两 sān nián bào liǎng May you will hold
two children within
three years
合家平安 合家平安 hé jiā píng ān May your whole
family be safe
家和萬事興 家和万事兴 jiā hé wàn shì xīng When your family is
happy, everything
will naturally go
五代同堂 五代同堂 wǔ dài tóng táng Five generations
are together
年生貴子 年生贵子 nián shēng gùi zǐ Have a son in
each year
丁財兩旺 丁财两旺 dīng cái liǎng wàng May you have both
prosperity and wealth
多子多孫 多子多孙 dūo zǐ dūo sūn May you will prosper
添丁發財 添丁发财 tiān dīng fā cái Whenever you gain
a child, it will bring
連生貴子 连生贵子 lián shēng gùi zǐ Keep having sons
in your family
一團和氣 一团和气 yī tuán hé qì May you have
harmony in your
龍鳳呈祥 龙凤呈祥 lóng fèng chéng xiáng Both husband and
wife are blessed

Chinese New Year
Greetings, Wishes, Blessings

歡樂常伴 欢乐常伴 huān lè cháng bàn May you be happy
all the time
幸福永伴 幸福永伴 xìng fú yǒng bàn May you be
surrounded with
幸福快樂 幸福 快乐 xìng fú kuài lè May you be happy
all the time
笑口常開 笑口常開 xiào kǒu cháng kāi May you smile often
喜氣洋洋 喜气洋洋 xǐ qì yáng yáng May you always be
filled with a happy